Marine Coder Innovation Challenge Proposal Selection⚓︎
Four projects were selected for further development in the Marine Corps Business Operations Support Services (MCBOSS) accredited DevSecOps environment!⚓︎
The selected proposals are: * I MEF: GCCS Reconciliation Tool * II MEF: Command Data Visualization Tool * III MEF: REDONKULATOR Logistics Planning Tool * MARFORRES: Predictive Maintenance Operations
Each MEF team will begin a 90 day development evolution where they will learn how to: * Plan and execute agile software development methodology * Achieve an Authority to Operate (ATO) through the Risk Management Framework (RMF) methodology * Use Git Flow and Trunk Based Development to effectively build and collaborate on a product as a team * Leverage a Platform as a Service (PaaS) to build containerized apps using a DevSecOps pipeline * Build a web hosted static site! * And much more!